Putain.wtf for the People of UkraineAdvised by Putain Wtf
Community Fund
Smart Contract0x78521f...b66a70
Putain is a digital platform showcasing selected artworks by upcoming artists that are auctioned for a good cause.
We offer analogue artworks and NFTs generously donated by artists and art collectors worldwide.
This fund was created to collect and transfer the proceeds to a selection of non-profit organisations that we trust and know will act in line with our vision: Please find more information on our website: putain.wtf
We offer analogue artworks and NFTs generously donated by artists and art collectors worldwide.
This fund was created to collect and transfer the proceeds to a selection of non-profit organisations that we trust and know will act in line with our vision: Please find more information on our website: putain.wtf
All Activity
$0.00Total Fund Balance
$0.00 Grantable$0.00 Granted