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Project HOPE

Project HOPE places power in the hands of local health care workers to save lives around the world. We work on the front lines of the world’s health challenges, partnering hand-in-hand with communities, health care workers and public health systems to ensure sustainable change.

As the world’s population rises, a growing shortage of health care workers threatens to undermine incredible gains in global health. We’re building a different world: a strong and resilient global community of health care workers who practice innovative solutions in their communities — and then pass them on to others.

Organization Details

EIN 53-0242962

International, Foreign Affairs & National Security


1220 19th St NW Ste 800
Washington, DC 20036

United States of AmericaGoogle Maps

Payments are processed through The Giving Block, may result in additional fees being incurred.

Community-Wide Statistics

$0.00Total Impact


1.8mEligible Orgs

0Open Funds