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Community Health System

Community Health System is a private, not-for-profit healthcare network based in Fresno, California. Our mission is to better the lives of all those we serve. This means regardless of income level or social demographics, we provide top-notch care to support the health and well-being of those in need. We're led by local leaders and physicians focused on addressing the diverse needs and issues of central California. As the leading healthcare provider in the San Joaquin Valley, Community cares for more people in the region than any other. Community operates four hospitals, a cancer institute and several long-term care, outpatient and other healthcare facilities.

Organization Details

EIN 94-2864615

Health Care


1530 E Shaw Ave Ste 106
Fresno, CA 93710

United States of AmericaGoogle Maps

Community-Wide Statistics

$0.00Total Impact


1.8mEligible Orgs

0Open Funds