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Liberty Ukraine Foundation

Liberty Ukraine Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation based in Austin, TX (EIN: 88-1688760) fundraising for Ukrainian residents, servicemen and women, first-aid workers, medical facilities, and victims of the war in Ukraine. ​Join us in providing critical support to those fighting for Ukraine, aid to those suffering in Ukraine, and bringing hope to those displaced by war. Our fundraising efforts cover a wide range of causes, from purchasing life-saving protective gear and evacuation equipment for rescue workers, to providing crucial physical and mental therapy for wounded civilians, servicemen, and children. Your donation can make a significant impact on the lives of those affected by the ongoing war. Please donate today and help us make a difference.

Organization Details

EIN 88-1688760

Philanthropy, Voluntarism & Grantmaking Foundations


6205 Toscana Ave
Austin, TX 78724

United States of AmericaGoogle Maps

Community-Wide Statistics

$0.00Total Impact


1.8mEligible Orgs

0Open Funds

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