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Core Districts

CORE Schools is a ten-year commitment to designing new secondary education systems that truly meet the needs of today’s 9-12th grade students and their educators. CORE Districts, the organization behind CORE Schools, is a collaborative of nine of California’s largest urban school districts serving a million students. With 85% of our students being people of color, 75% economically disadvantaged, and 22% English learners, we serve a population with significant needs - those most likely to fall through the cracks of our current system. Our districts range from northern to southern California:

Northern California: Sacramento City Unified School District

The Central Valley: Fresno Unified School District

The Bay Area: San Francisco Unified School District, Oakland Unified School District, and San Jose Unified School District

Southern California: Los Angeles Unified School District,, Garden Grove Unified School District, Long Beach Unified School District, Santa Ana Unified School District

Core Schools Q&A

Core Schools Fundraising Memo

Organization Details

EIN 47-3207203



2014 Capitol Ave Ste 100 PMB 4014
Sacramento, CA 95811-4244

United States of AmericaGoogle Maps

Community-Wide Statistics

$0.00Total Impact


1.8mEligible Orgs

0Open Funds