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Wave Farm, Inc.

Wave Farm is a non-profit arts organization driven by experimentation with broadcast media and the airwaves. Our programs—Transmission Arts, WGXC-FM, and Media Arts Grants—provide access to transmission technologies and support artists and organizations that engage with media as an art form. Transmission Arts programs support artists who engage the transmission spectrum, on the airwaves and through public events. The Wave Farm Artist Residency Program is an international visiting artist program. The Transmission Arts Archive presents a living genealogy of artists' experiments with broadcast media and the airwaves. Wave Farm Radio is a continuous online radio feed and site-specific broadcast on 1620-AM. WGXC 90.7-FM is a creative community radio station based in New York's Greene and Columbia counties. Hands-on access and participation activate WGXC as a public platform for information, experimentation, and engagement. Media Arts Grants programs include the New York Media Arts Map and the Media Arts Assistance Fund (MAAF), which support electronic media and film organizations, as well as individual artists, in all regions of New York State through a Regrant Partnership with NYSCA, Electronic Media and Film, as well as fiscal sponsorship.


EIN 83-0346659
Arts, Cultural Organizations - Multipurpose
5662 Route 23
Acra, NY 12405
United States of AmericaGoogle Maps
Total Revenue 
Total Expenses 
Net Income 
Total Assets 
Total Liabilities 
Net Assets 
Program Expense 
Administrative Expense 
Fundraising Expense 
Working Capital 
0.736 yrs

Data from 2022 via Guidestar

Recent Activity

November 2022