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The Tor Project Inc.

We believe everyone should be able to explore the internet with privacy. We are the Tor Project, a 501(c)3 US nonprofit. We advance human rights and defend your privacy online through free software and open networks. Since 2006, we have successfully helped global populations burdened by online surveillance and censorship access Internet resources more securely and safely with two gold-standard tools: Tor Browser and the underlying Tor network. Journalists, activists, whistleblowers, human rights defenders, LGBTQ+ and feminist groups, and average people concerned about their privacy use Tor to protect themselves from pervasive surveillance and safely route around censorship.


EIN 20-8096820
Research Institutes and/or Public Policy Analysis
PO Box 5
Winchester, NH 03470
United States of AmericaGoogle Maps
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Program Expense 
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Fundraising Expense 
Working Capital 
1.03 yrs

Data from 2022 via Guidestar

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