Instituto brasileiro de educacao, cultura e saude para o desenvolvimento humano - IBECDH logo

Instituto brasileiro de educacao, cultura e saude para o desenvolvimento humano - IBECDH

The Brazilian Institute of Education, Culture, and Health for Human Development - IBECDH is a private, non-profit institution with a social and inclusive character, recognized as being of national, state, and municipal public utility. It is qualified as a Social Organization in the State of Bahia and operates in providing services in both the public and private spheres, with the mission of serving society with humanization in its areas of operation. It is a non-profit entity whose primary objective is to use and disseminate innovative management practices, as well as the development and management of projects in its areas of operation, capable of maximizing results by providing professional services with the aim of human development, strengthening IBECDH's mission, which is to "promote human development and improve people's quality of life, transmitting humanization, meaning that the public needs to feel welcomed to generate value. The experience must be positive from reception to the completion of a project. Care, respect, transparency, connection, and innovation are keywords in our practices."

Organization Details


Unknown / Others


Rua Ewerton Visco 290 Edf Boulevard Side Empresarial
Salvador, Bahia 41820-022

BrazilGoogle Maps

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Community-Wide Statistics

$0.00Total Impact


1.8mEligible Orgs

0Open Funds