Camp Juicy
Advised by Camp Juicy Counselors, aka Julia and Kaesha

Community Fund


Camp Juicy is an initiative to support diverse arts non-profits in the United States. Art gives our lives meaning and helps us understand our world. When we create, we elevate our mood, improve our ability to problem solve and open our minds to new ideas.

Through Camp Juicy, we aim to use crypto currency donations to uplift artistically exemplary organizations. We chose these organizations on the basis of geographic scope of impact, art discipline and Charity Navigator rating. All invite mutual respect for differing beliefs and values — while enriching humanity.

Everyone who donates to the Camp Juicy Fund has the opportunity to join Camp Juicy as a Camper. While the camp experience evolves every season, one constant is building joyous and meaningful relationships with other campers.

There is no donation minimum, every little bit helps! Donations under $500 can be collected through Mirror and funneled to the Camp Juicy Endaoment Fund. See our Twitter or Google Form for more information.

Grants will be distributed equally to the following Organizations

- Musical Arts: Musicians on Call
- Performance Arts: The Actors Fund
- Youth Arts: South Side Community Art Center
- Visual Arts: Creative Clay
- Other: Community Pick

After donating, visit  for next steps!

Camp Juicy Fund was created by Julia Huang @juicyju33 and Kaesha Freyaldenhoven @kaeshamarie. Before immersing themselves in the world of NFTs, Julia and Kaesha spent extensive time furthering the missions of arts organizations across the United States. Julia earned a Bachelors of Arts in Visual Arts at the University of Chicago, taught art to young students on the South Side of Chicago through a program called ArtShould, and is currently a designer in the non-profit space. Kaesha studied Art History at the University of Chicago, volunteered with the Smart Museum of Art, and served on the Board of Directors for the San Luis Obispo Arts Council. Both Julia and Kaesha led Festival of the Arts, an organization that has united the life of the mind with a spirit of artistic inquiry since 1963. In the capacity of Executive Directors, Julia and Kaesha established an arts fellowship program to sponsor thirty artists in their creative and professional pursuits. They welcome the opportunity to lead Camp Juicy and revolutionize the non-profit donation experience.


All Activity

$0.00Total Balance

$31,403.57 granted

$0.00 grants in progress

Community-Wide Statistics

$0.00Total Impact


1.8mEligible Orgs

0Open Funds