Glendon Association

The mission of The Glendon Association is to save lives and enhance mental health by addressing the social problems of suicide, child abuse, violence, and troubled interpersonal relationships. The Glendon Association currently focuses its work on the following five themes, which we consider to be central to the health and happiness of both the individual and society as a whole:-Violence-Suicide and self-destructive behavior-Intimate Relationships-Parent-Child Relationships-SexualityOur staff reaches out to both the mental health community and the general public through a regular schedule of public presentations and training sessions. Glendon workshops have been conducted at universities, mental health facilities and hospitals throughout the local, national and world communities. Continuing Education Credits are available for most events to participants from a number of professional disciplines including physicians, psychologists, child care providers, MFTs, LCSWs, RNs, and MFCCs. All o

Organization Details

EIN 95-3715964

Social Science


136 W Canon Perdido St Ste 102
Santa Barbara, CA 93101-3242

United States of AmericaGoogle Maps

Community-Wide Statistics

$0.00Total Impact


1.8mEligible Orgs

0Open Funds