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TLC Child & Family Services

Providing healthy, healing environments and experiences for foster and other youth and their families, in which their differences are leveraged, valued, and celebrated. OUR VALUES Excellence, Integrity, Transparency, Collaboration, Equity. OUR PHILOSOPHY TLC is committed to inviting, fostering, supporting, and affirming cultural diversity in all of its clients. We strive to eradicate prejudice and develop greater appreciation of multicultural diversity in our programs and thus in our staff and clients. We aim for a heightened awareness, sensitivity, and valuing of human differences. All programs and practices shall be endeavored to create an environment in which cultural, religious, ethnic, social, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation and physical differences are valued.


EIN 68-0008634
1800 N Gravenstein Hwy
Sebastopol, CA 95472
United States of AmericaGoogle Maps
Total Revenue 
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Net Assets 
Program Expense 
Administrative Expense 
Working Capital 
0.661 yrs

Data from 2022 via Guidestar

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