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The Miami Foundation

The Miami Foundation builds the philanthropic, civic, and leadership backbone for Greater Miami. Since 1967, the Foundation has invested $485 million to strengthen our community with partnerships and contributions from more than 1000 fundholders and 35,000 donors. The Miami Foundation, which currently manages over $350 million in assets, mobilizes donors, nonprofits, leaders, and locals to set a bold vision for our community's future and to invest in a stronger, more equitable, more resilient Greater Miami.

Organization Details

EIN 65-0350357

Philanthropy, Voluntarism & Grantmaking Foundations


40 NW 3rd Street, Suite 305
Miami, FL 33128

United States of AmericaGoogle Maps

Community-Wide Statistics

$0.00Total Impact


1.8mEligible Orgs

0Open Funds

Recent Activity